
November 28, 2004

A Collection of Apathic Thoughts 

Another Sunday of miserable weather and general apathy... I clearly need a holiday.
I have various (hopefully) good ideas at different development stages in my head, but today I've got no inspiration to write anything. Thus, it's the right time for a little collection of sparse interesting stuff.

Let's begin with the often-invoked but poorly understood Geneva Convention(s), Number 1 (Wounded and sick in the field), 2 (Wounded and sick and shipwrecked at sea), 3 (Treatment of the prisoners of war) and 4 (Protection of civilians during war).

Parameters, the US Army War College Quarterly publication.

The Withe House Presidential News And Speeches.

The Adventures of Chester, the weblog of a former Marine officer veteran of the Iraqi campaign.

Did you think the United Nations was scarcely effective? Read The Diplomad, and probably you'll conclude that the UN is a scourge on this planet.

From the news front, we've got a magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Japan, with associated tsunami warning. And bad weather with snow and strong winds coming to Northern Italy: come on guys, it's late November, a bit of cold and snow is in the order of things.Good to alert the emergency services, but let's not panic, ok?


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