
February 08, 2005

In The Wake 

The catastrophic tsunami that devastated the coasts of the Indian Ocean seems already descended below the radar of the mainstream media. Also, the UN tried to took credit for the relief effort, while in truth the biggest burden is carried by USA, Australia, Japan and Singapore - why China did not grab the occasion to extend her influence in the area, I cannot tell.

Also Italy, besides fundraising, began to send some operative personnel in Sri Lanka from 30 Dec 2004. At present, there are three teams of the Fire Department equipped with two Canadair seaplanes, inflatable boats and other SAR gear. These men set up tent camps to host the refugees (and are collaborating with the management of these camps), are helping with the airlift of supplies; are building wharfs to allow the operation of an ambulance boat donated by the Italian Government and other boats and are giving training to the local Fire Brigades and other rescue agencies.

Also the Italian Civil Protection is actively involved in the relief operations with several men: a few supervisors and coordinators, and a good number of medics and paramedics, pilots, ground airport personnel and communications technicians. The tent camps and field hospitals are under the responsibility of the Department of Civil Protection.

A team of forensic experts from Carabinieri is still in Thailand with the ungrateful task of identifying the victims of the tsunami.

All the above links are from Italian official websites - I could not locate english versions of the same.


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