
July 15, 2005

Heading North 

I'm off for a weekend break in Scotland, hiking in the Cairngorms - and god knows how much I need a break from the goddamn metropolis.

So, no posting for the next few days, but afterwards expect some nice pics.


Have a great weekend.

In our enthusiasm and patriotism we tend to broad brush when we shouldn't. We tend to forget we are not privy to the day to day efforts and results of every day european actions and reactions. The things that never make the news here and most of the time there. You have as much to lose as we do. I pray there are more like you than not and will someday make their voices heard.
I like the rest lose it sometimes and forget we have the likes of you, which is a blessing. So have a care, forgive and let's not lose our loyal Italian friend. :)

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