
May 24, 2006

Worthy News 

Iranian university students are protesting against the regime - which predictably is cracking down hard, a blogger reports.

I have the distinct sensation that this story will hardly make the headlines, and only a few human rights advocates will speak up in righteous indignation. Will the UN ask Iran to cease the repression, much like they asked the USA to close Camp X-Ray? I doubt, but I'd like to be proven wrong.

Sadly, I can't do much to support these protesters besides helping to spread the story of their struggle. Except maybe another maling campaign. Anyone to get onboard?





Ho mai affermato, suggerito o lasciato intendere di provare il benché minimo interesse per i giochi di ruolo online?

Non mi risulta. Quindi, anonimo, non venire qui a rompermi le palle.

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