June 06, 2006
If you exclude that incovenient 0 it becomes 666, you say?
Whatever... for metalheads like me 666 is a household number. Steve Harris wrote a whole song about it in 1982. And he's not even a satanist, just an East London chap. I've seen so many 666s that a 333 from time to time is a relief.
These musings aside, June 6th is the date of a seriously important event: the Normandy Landing, or D-Day. When warmaking was not constrained by this goddamn political correctness.
Whatever... for metalheads like me 666 is a household number. Steve Harris wrote a whole song about it in 1982. And he's not even a satanist, just an East London chap. I've seen so many 666s that a 333 from time to time is a relief.
These musings aside, June 6th is the date of a seriously important event: the Normandy Landing, or D-Day. When warmaking was not constrained by this goddamn political correctness.
Bel Blog. Che il 6-6-6 mi ricordi anche a me il pezzo magnifico degli Iron Maiden è fuor di discussione. Ma il fatto che il 666 evochi (come detto da qualcuno) l'Apocalisse o la venuta dell'Anticristo....come vedi siamo ancora qua....vivi e vegeti.
P.s non hai un rss/atom?
P.s non hai un rss/atom?
Ho Atom, apparentmente. Metteró un collegamento appena trovo il tempo di riorganizzare i miei links.
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