
July 23, 2006

The High Ground 

The Israeli ground offensive in south-east Lebanon is continuing - after an air campaign that accomplished less than (naively?) expected.

Wretchard has a map of the area, and his reader xwraith discovered something interesting (though not surprising):
Hrm, I can see why they took the terrain that they did. Dug up an old topographic map of the border there and that is the highest ground for kilometers around. 943 meters by the map I have at Maroun al-Ras. to the south-east of what looks to be the Israeli center it sounds like they took the next highest hill at 891 meters, and their left flank is probably anchored in the small town of Yaroun at 796 meters. Everything north and west of there is lower (valley) or with a peek altitude of no higher then 825.
This explains the fighting of the last days and the determination to take Maroun Al-Ras. Available data suggest that next the Israelis will thrust deeper into Hizballah territory and the Bekaa Valley.

At this point, I cannot help but notice the disconnect between the focus and information provided by Belmont Club (and other blogs) and the mainstream media. The latter are focused on reporting about civilian casualties - without apparently asking themselves if those are actually all civilians - and the lofty ceasefire talks. The tactical dimension seems not to exist for the MSM; in their reports there are soldiers and jihadis that fight, but how and when and the progress of the battle is constantly ignored.

Because only few journalists do actually know something about warfighting other than the most immediate emotional aspects, I think.

Update 24/07: We also know little of Hizballah losses and casualties. Nearly the only source in this regard is the IDF itself. However, the Hizballah are definitely taking losses, and their logistics situation is not one of the best (when you are buttoned up inside fortifications, resupply is difficult): Israel can win by attrition, but it will be a long struggle. On the other hand, the longer the war, the louder will be the calls (and actions) for a ceasefire - that would turn into a victory for Hizballah and thus Iran. Instead, the defeat of Hizballah would mean a downisizing of Iran's ambitions.


Credo che ognuno di noi, se fosse nato in un campo di concentramento, da cinquant'anni fosse lì e non avesse alcuna prospettiva di poter dare ai propri figli un avvenire, sarebbe un terrorista.

L'uso della forza di Israele è una scusa per destabilizzare il medioriente, non esistono ragioni per massacrare i civili.


Campo di concentramento? Ah si, quelli voluti e mantenuti dagli stati arabi ed ONU.
Ma questa concezione post-marxista non tiene conto di molti fatti reali quali l'indottrinamento anti-semita di generazioni di palestinesi.

"L'uso della forza di Israele è una scusa per destabilizzare il medioriente,"

Non riesco proprio a capire il significato di questa frase. Forse che l'attacco di Hizballah é stato un pretesto per realizzare un piano giá esistente? Se destabilizzare il medioriente significa eliminare Hizballah e condurrei palestinesi a miti consigli, allora ben venga la destabilizzazione.

Nel mondo reale, non quello utopico, ci sono molte ragioni per fare la guerra, e purtroppo uccidere chi ci si trova in mezzo anche per caso.

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